SUMNALL PROPERTIES - We are thrilled to be offering this Fabulous home for Sale. Detached, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Diner, Conservatory, Garden, Parking and Garage. 1 mile from Lichfield City, on this popular Sandfield Development, Rail/Bus Links, Cathedral, Beautiful Parks, Amazing Restaurants. We LOVE this Property.
SUMNALL PROPERTIES - We are thrilled to be offering this Fabulous home for Sale. Detached, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Diner, Conservatory, Garden, Parking and Garage. 1 mile from Lichfield City, on this popular Sandfield Development, Rail/Bus Links, Cathedral, Beautiful Parks, Amazing Restaurants. We LOVE this Property.
Welcoming, good size reception hall with lovely wooden flooring, radiator with cover, ceiling light and doors to the Living Room, Dining Kitchen, Guest Cloak Room and stairs to the first floor.
LIVING ROOM 5.33m x 2.97m (17' 6" x 9' 9")
Spacious reception room with wooden flooring, a window to front and French doors to the side giving plenty of natural light, feature fireplace, 2 ceiling lights and radiator.
BREAKFAST/KITCHEN 5.33m x 2.87m (17' 6" x 9' 5")
Beautiful kitchen having matching wall and base units, wooden flooring, ceiling light point, electric hob with extractor fan above, sink with single tap, space and plumbing for washer dryer and fridge/freezer, windows to front and side, a large open serving window.
FAMILY ROOM/DINING 5.30m x 3.41m (17'5" x 11'2")
With the benefit of having a fixed roof, wooden flooring and French doors to garden, 2 radiators with covers, door into the garage,
The continuation of the lovely wooden flooring, comprising of white suite, hand wash basin and low level flush wc, radiator, ceiling light and extractor fan.
FIRST FLOOR LANDING with the stairs having floor lighting.
Having a window to the rear, doors off to three bedrooms and family bathroom. Ceiling light point and stairs to second floor
BEDROOM FIVE 2.13m x 2.87m (7' x 9' 5")
Having a window to front, radiator and ceiling light point. This room has multiple uses, whether its used for bedroom, study or dressing room.
BEDROOM FOUR 3.12m x 2.87m (10' 3" x 9' 5")
Having a window to the side, radiator and ceiling light.
BEDROOM THREE 5.33m x 2.97m (17' 6" x 9' 9")
Having windows to the side and front, radiator and ceiling lights.
White suite comprising: Jacuzzi bath with shower above, wash hand basin, WC, half height wall tiling, radiator, extractor fan, ceiling lights,, laminate flooring and window to the front.
SECOND FLOOR LANDING with the stairs having floor lighting.
BEDROOM TWO 4.04m x 2.92m (13' 3" x 9' 7")
Generously sized bedroom having both front and side windows, large storage cupboard, radiator, ceiling light and door leading to en-suite bathroom.
White suite comprising: low level WC, shower, wash hand basin, extractor fan, radiator, splash back tiles, laminate flooring, radiator and ceiling light.
MASTER BEDROOM ONE 5.33m x 3.02m (17' 6" x 9' 11")
Fabulously size master bedroom which has windows to front and side, fitted wardrobes, radiator and ceiling light, as well and a good sized master en-suite.
White suite comprising of: WC, shower, bath, wash hand basin, extractor fan, radiator, tiled splash back tiles, laminate flooring, frosted window, radiator and ceiling light.
Driveway in front of single garage with rollover remote control door, window and door to the side garden. Good sized private garden with gated access from driveway. Patio area off the french doors of the conservatory leading to garden. Also additional parking at the side.
Tenure We understand the property is Freehold.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Sumnall Properties has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Sumnall Properties has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.